Wednesday, April 10, 2013

While We're Waiting

Do you ever ask God what He's doing?  Or why He's doing it? 

What a roller coaster we have been on lately, all while wondering, "God, what are you doing??"  As most of you probably know, we felt God's leading of our family away from our home of 5 years and back to David's hometown in late September last year.  And boy, has it been a roller coaster of emotions and experiences ever since!

We moved over here December 30 - Rachel's 2-week birthday - and have been living with David's parents ever since.  We've been keeping our eyes open for places to live all along; since our ultimate goal is to move to a family farm, we've also been hoping to rent for cheap or to find a home that we could purchase for very little so we could continue to build a savings.

Last weekend, we made the big decision to go ahead and buy a home, so we contacted or agent and she showed us several places in our price range.  To make a long story short, by Saturday noon we had found a home in town that we loved . . . and we found a rental house in the country that would be well under our budget.

 For the past several days, it has really seemed like all signs were pointing toward us getting the rental.  We started preparing for that particular house, and making plans to paint and move within the next month.  We kind of convinced ourselves that we shouldn't buy the house in town, and that God has had this rental for us all along.  The timing and events were just too perfectly aligned.

Today David got a shocking phone call.  The rental has gone to someone else. 

So, God, what are you up to?  We're just not sure.

I am reminded of a song by John Waller -

While I'm Waiting
I'm waiting, I'm waiting on you, Lord,
And I am hopeful, I'm waiting on you, Lord
Though it is painful, but patiently, I will wait.
I will move ahead bold and confident
I'll be taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting, I will serve you
While I'm waiting, I will worship
While I'm waiting, I will not faint
I'll be running the race even while I wait 
 I'm waiting, I'm waiting on you, Lord
And I am peaceful, I'm waiting on you, Lord
Though it's not easy, but faithfully, I will wait
I will serve you while I'm waiting,
I will worship while I'm waiting on you, Lord
It is easy to feel discouraged, like we had built ourselves up for nothing. My tendency is to sit and stew about why my own plans didn't work out, and worry about whether we'll ever have our own house again.

But instead, we see this as a reminder (and we had forgotten) that God is truly working in His timing.  He will provide how and when He sees fit, just as He always has.

Until then, we will wait, and pray, and just keep running the race!


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