Monday, June 4, 2012

This Week's Menu

Have you ever heard of Money Saving Mom?  If not, I'd encourage everyone to stop over at her blog,  Crystal has been a huge encouragement to me in so many areas - finances, family, loving God, and so much more. 

One of the things she always does is to make a meal plan for each week.  This is something I too have done for quite some time.  I have been pretty proud of myself for the small amount of money we've been able to spend every two weeks . . . and yet, I've been too proud to admit that we never have enough food.  "It's not possible," I'd argue with David everytime he mentioned it, "I plan every single week, every single ingredient." 

And then it dawned on me.  I make a bi-weekly supper plan.  I did finally get into the habit of buying a few things for David's lunches, but I completely neglected to plan for this pregnant lady and her two toddlers that are home all day eating a whole lot more than just suppers! 

So last week, I changed my habit.  I added to the list a daily plan for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.  I was surprised at how much more time it took - though I really enjoy menu planning and since the morning sickness is significantly less, I can actually look at most foods without gagging now.  I don't think it'll take as much time from here on out, now that I have a basis.  I'd like to start sharing the menus I've planned here on our blog as both a way for others to possibly find suggestions for their own meals, as well as for a way to keep track myself of what we have from week to week.

Last week's menu worked out pretty well . . . so here is the one we'll be following this week:

Breakfast: Cereal and toast x2
                Baked Oatmeal x2
                Banana muffins
                Cinnamon Rolls and sausage links

Lunch: Egg salad sandwiches
           BBQ pork, leftover veggies
           lettuce salads
           Leftovers x2

Supper: Pork roast, potatoes & carrots, Rhodes rolls
             Crispy SW Chicken Wraps
             Fried potatoes, eggs, pancakes or waffles
             Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole
             Dinner w/my parents

Snacks: Banana muffins
             Fruit cups (more on these in a later post!)
             Steel Cut Oat Cups

I'm pretty excited about what we have on the menu this week.  If you have any suggestions for meals you think we'd enjoy, please let me know.  I'm always searching for new things to try!

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