Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Healthier Pregnancy

I know I've mentioned before how much I enjoy serving my family healthy, whole foods.  We made the commitment to "clean up" our eating at least to an extent in January, and we were really doing a pretty good job.  I was making most things from scratch, limiting sugars and artificial ingredients, etc.

Then I got pregnant . . . and tired . . . and sick.

So I retreated back to the easy stuff - anything that wouldn't make my stomach turn to fix.  We got lots of boxed macaroni and cheese, canned ravioli, etc.  And there were many days where my entire diet consisted of bagels, cream cheese, and cereal.  Yuck.

Where many people are so sick during the first trimester that they lose weight, I did just the opposite.  I was unable to allow my stomach to empty, so I just ate all those packaged foods constantly.  And getting up off the couch was a joke far too many days.  So I gained a whole lot of weight and lost a whole lot of energy right from the start. 

Now I'm over halfway through this pregnancy and though my sickness is gone, my energy is still low due to the unhealthy lifestyle I sunk into.  Yesterday I went to the doctor.  Though she is not concerned right now, she suggested that I "keep an eye" on my weight.  I have done quite a bit of thinking and praying about it, and have come up with some steps to get back on the "healthy wagon".  I've also gone over these steps with my husband and my mom to see if they agree that it is healthy and logical for me while I'm pregnant. 

First of all, my husband and I are more than ready to get back into using mostly whole foods.  Are we against the occasional brownie mix, macaroni and cheese, or crackers?  Nope.  But there is definitely a difference between those and the wonderful benefits (as well as taste, we think!!) of foods that are not so "tampered with".  We're to re-committing to eating things directly from the garden and the farm, which should be easier right now than ever since the farmers David helps are willing to share their produce and eggs with us.

Aside from this food adjustment for all of us, here is the list I have come up with to help maintain a healthy pregnancy and hopefully to keep my weight from continuing to skyrocket.

1. Begin each day, 5 days a week, with light to moderate exercise
2. Walk at least 20 minutes with kids 3 days a week
3. Eat protein at all three meals
4. Eat fewer servings of carbs throughout the day
5. Use sugar in my coffee only on weekends
6. Enjoy desserts only on weekends (though I feel I must allow for giving in to the occasional craving or else I might not make it nor would my family!)
7. Eat a piece of fruit at night when I am really hungry for sweets
8. Load up on veggies at meals rather than the carbs
9. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

I think this seems to be a realistic list to stick to throughout the rest of the pregnancy.  I am really hoping it results in not only my own continued health, but that of the baby's, as well.  So far today I exercised before the kids got up, we took a long walk, and I think I've done pretty well on the food side of things.  I've even had 5 glasses of water, which is already about 2 more than I drink many days.

What do you think?  I've gotten a lot of responses via facebook on how to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy.  Any other suggestions?  I feel so much better today already, just having a new outlook on my health rather than saying, "I'm pregnant so I can do this (eat this, sit on the couch, etc.). I'll change after the baby comes."

I'll try to keep updating on how this new routine is working!!


Sara ODonnell said...

Great motivation....even when I'm not pregnant! I want to do more whole foods, and we've been doing pretty well, but it is far to easy to slip back into old routines! Going out to eat is our biggest downfall, which also affects our budget. It's a double whammy, and I just have to stop doing it!

Lots of love and prayers for you, as you make these healthy choices. Wouldn't it be awesome if the newest member of your home never had mac and cheese from a box! :) Good luck...I'm cheering you on!

Melodie said...

Your story sounds similar to mine. I was trying to eat healthy before I got pregnant, then was sick and just wanted to eat anything that was easy and didn't make me feel sick. Halfway through I changed my whole diet because I was tired of being so hungry all the time, and worried that I was gaining so much weight. When I stopped eating all the carbs and increased my protien intake to 80-100 grams a day (I had to eat protein shakes in the morning to get it that high - message me if you want a link to where I got protien powder with natural sweeteners). Even though I was eating that much protein and still eating lots of good fats, I lost weight before Caleb was born! My midwife was not worried about it and neither was I as I was eating so healthy. Anyway, you may have already read my story from my blog. http://sweetbasilnspice.blogspot.com/2012/06/my-story.html

You can do it and you will enjoy the better health and increased energy! Just message me if you want any tips or suggestions. It sounds like you have a good plan in place already, though :-).

Pearl said...

Hi Emi,
Sounds like a good plan! walking is good at this time of the year (although real cold weather is just around the corner). But don't feel guilty when you indulge once in a while.
Here's cheering you on:-)

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